What is your middle name?: Lynn
What was favourite subject at school?: Language Arts
What is your favourite drink?: Either Tea Or Iced Coffee
What is your favourite song at the moment?: Hall Of Fame By The Script FT. Will.I.Am
What is your favourite food?: Meat
What is the last thing you bought?: Planner Goodies!
Favourite book of all time?: Twilight Saga Series Or Wake
Favourite Colour?: Purple
Do you have any pets?: Yes, Two Beautiful Cockatiels Named Patchy && Desiree
Favourite Perfume?: Britney Spears Fantasy
Favourite Holiday?: Christmas
Are you married?: Nope
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Nope.
Do you speak any other language?: A Little Of Spanish.
How many siblings do you have?: One Sister, Nikkie & One Brother, Timmy.
What is your favourite shop?: Either Joanns Or Ulta.
Favourite restaurant?: Golden Corral
When was the last time you cried?: Two Days Ago ):
Favourite Blog?: I Don't Have Just One Favorite.
Favourite Movie?: Breaking Dawn
Favourite TV show?: Pretty Little Liars
PC or Mac?: PC
What phone do you have?: HTC Desire 528
How tall are you?: 5ft 5
Can you cook?: Yes. Love To Cook Pastas