I am so sorry I have been neglected my blog. 2016 has brought a lot of health issues on myself such as vertigo and now a stomach ulcer that I am trying to heal. I also have been trying my hardest to keep up with everything else around me. Lupe sees her surgeon next week, If you did not know she is getting her eye corna replaced. I will be starting outfit of the days and could care less what anyone thinks of me and my body. I am trying to eat healthier cause I know its the best and loose weight. I am trying so please negative comments can stay away. I will be posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays as much as I can. I will be doing more reviews and all. Prayers for myself, my family and all would be greatly apperciated. I love you all.
Disclaimer: I am not trying to brag nor am I being paid or sponsored to talk about this product!
**Links to STALK me** (:
https://www.youtube.com/user/Makeupforever93k (Youtube)
makeupwarrior101@gmail.com is for fan mail (:
Makeup4ever211- Periscope
Makeup4ever211- Periscope